Newsletters 2024 2025
Autumn 1
Newsletter 3.9.24 |
Welcome back! It doesn't seem long since we started last September, although we managed to fit lots in to the year! It has been lovely to welcome everyone today, including our new starters.… |
Newsletter 6.9.24 |
From August 19th 2024 the Government have introduced a new National Framework for Penalty Notices. |
Newsletter 13.9.24 |
Clubs start next week, you will be able to see what you have signed up for on the MCAS app. If your child was on the waiting list for a club, please check to see if they have been added and… |
Newsletter 20.9.24 |
Parents and carers are invited to come along and join in with their Nursery and Reception children at stay and play sessions held once a half term. The first session is on Monday 30th Septe… |
Newsletter 27.9.24 |
We have been chosen as one of the 3 charities for the blue tokens for Tesco in Brighouse - now we need your help please! Please can you pop the blue token in the box for Cliffe Hill and as… |
Newsletter 4.10.24 | |
The children are really enjoying their forest school sessions, even in the rain! Next week the following classes have sessions: | |
Newsletter 14.10.24 |
Please can all children in Key Stage 2 have trainers and clothes for outdoor PE in school on Wednesday as we are hoping to do our Cross Country activities during school time. |
Newsletter 18.10.24 | |
A reminder that we break up next Friday for the half term holiday and children return on Tuesday 5th November. | |
Autumn 2
Newsletter 8.11.24 |
Welcome back! We hope everyone had a good half term, this week has been very busy in school and we are even starting to think about the end of this term and the celebrations we have planned… |
Newsletter 15.11.24 | |
We have a number of roles in school for children and have added some new ones during the last few weeks! Here are our Reading Ambassadors, Maths Ambassadors, Phunky Food Ambassadors, Music | |
Newsletter 22.11.24 | |
Many thanks to all who came to parent evening this week, if you missed your appointment or did not book, please speak to staff for a chance to meet over the next few weeks. | |
Newsletter 28.11.24 | |
We have sent home sponsor forms for the Reindeer Run which will take place next Wednesday (4th December.) All donations will be sent to Overgate Hospice. Children can wear non uniform on We… | |
Christmas Dates! |
Please see below the dates for events taking place in the next few weeks. These can also be found on the website and Facebook page. |
Newsletter 6.12.24 | |
Well done to our cross country superstars who took part in the Calderdale finals on Wednesday! | |
Newsletter 13.12.24 | |
A reminder that we break up next Friday at 3.15pm (20th December) and children come back to school on Monday 6th January. | |
Newsletter 20.12.24 |
Happy Christmas! |
Spring 1
Newsletter 10.1.25 |
Welcome back and Happy New Year to all of our families! What a start to the new year it has been, no snow anywhere near Christmas, and then it all decides to fall the day before we are due … |
Newsletter 17.1.25 |
As you are aware, Ofsted phoned on Monday and inspected school on Tuesday and Wednesday, this was an ungraded inspection. The report is now being completed by the HMI who led the inspection… |
Newsletter 24.1.25 | |
Please can we ask that children who are staying to clubs are collected at 4.15pm. The office is not manned during this time and staff are spending a lot of time collecting children for thos… | |
Newsletter 31.1.25 | |
It's official! We continue to be good in all areas and outstanding in Personal Development! | |