Stoney Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 8TW

01422 202086

Cliffe Hill Community Primary School

Welcome to Cliffe Hill


Bringing Your Child To School

Regular attendance in school is essential. We work closely with our Education Welfare Office to ensure children are in school on a regular basis. If for any reason your child is unable to attend school, please telephone the school office before 8.45am.

First Day Calling Procedure

School follow the local authority procedures to contact parents on the first day of absence, should they have not been notified of the absence. If contact is not made following text messages and phone calls, a home visit will be made. If school are still unable to make contact then a welfare check may be necessary by the Police. Please therefore support school by contacting to notify of absences before 8.45am.

Holiday Requests

The Governors advise that parents do not book holidays during school time. School is unable to authorise holidays taken in term time. The Education Welfare Office collate unauthorised absence data and issue penalty notices for 5 or more unauthorised days at any one time. 

Late Arrivals

The doors will be locked at 8.50am for safety reasons, if your child arrives later than this, please ensure they use the main entrance and sign in with a member of staff.

Children Leaving Early

There are occasions where you may need to take your child from school during the day. In these instances, parents/carers should report to the school office, where we will arrange for your child to be brought to the main entrance area.

Collecting Children

Children must be collected at the end of the day, with the exception of those in Year 5 and 6, where parents have authorised for their child to walk alone. Please inform school if you have asked someone else to collect your child. At the start of every year, parents and carers are asked to complete a form stating who is able to collect their child. If another adult requests to take the child from school we will contact parents before releasing the child.

 Children who are ill

When a child becomes unwell at school, every effort will be made to contact their parent/carer or the named emergency contact person. It is very important that emergency contact numbers are all kept up to date. If your number should change, please let the school office know immediately.

In accordance with the Health and Safety Policy, there are trained First Aiders on the school staff who are available to deal with minor accidents.